Stickers on roll "Mit Liebe gemacht" - Szeretettel, kézzel írható, papír
Stickers on roll "Mit Liebe gemacht" - Szeretettel, kézzel írható, papír
- Ideal for labelling home-made jams, liquors etc.
- 50 roll stickers in a premium cardboard box
- Turn home-made thinks into a great present
- 3 different design variations on each roll
- Removable with sufficient space for writing
What's more personal than giving good friends, neighbours or working colleagues something homemade? Best is homemade jam. For the look to be as good as the content, simply decorate the jar with a beautiful jam label.
The stunning, trendy jam labels are on a handy roll. That means they are very handy and easy to dispatch out of high quality and sturdy cardboard box. The 50 stickers on roll have varying motifs "Mit Liebe selbstgemacht" of 3 different designs per roll. The format with a diameter of 38mm leaves plenty of space for the date and name of the favourite jam. The stickers on roll are perfect for turning something homemade quickly into a great present, whether it is jam, liqueur or preserves. Naturally, the jam labels are reliably adhesive and removable.
Avery Zweckform always offers proven brand quality from the classic to the innovative label - you can rely on it!
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